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Good News - Enrollment and Employment Achieved Great Results and Won Many Awards

Updated:2021-01-13 08:57|Hits:

From News Center (Reported and Photos by Huang Li from Admissions and Employment Office) The year 2020 has been a truly remarkable year since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, as well as a year of milestone significance for enrollment and employment of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (LVTC). The year 2020 witnessed extraordinary achievements through unusual and tough persistence, commitment, and breakthrough. At the end of the year, endless good news brought to our college.

Good news 1: The honorary title of “Outstanding School for Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates in Guangxi in 2020”

Due to the outbreak of covid-19 epidemic at the beginning of 2020, this year is destined to be written into history. Since the CPC Central Party gives priority to stabilizing employment over the six fronts and in the six areas, LVTC has fully implemented all major policies and plans made by the CPC Central Party and established a leading group for employment with the Secretary of the CPC LVTC Committee and the President as group leaders to firmly make decisions and take “four adherences” as the policy and ”stable employment” as the core, and employ extraordinary measures to deal with an extraordinary emergency. LVTC has formulated relevant safeguard measures such as “Implementation Plan for Employment of Graduates during Epidemic Prevention and Control” and “Special Performance Appraisal Plan for Employment of Graduates in 2020” to promote the development of employment and create conditions for full employment of graduates in 2020. Facing with the downward pressure of the economy and epidemic prevention and control, LVTC led the faculty and staff to overcome difficulties and steadily complete the employment task, providing 43,460 jobs for 3,756 graduates in 2020, with an openings-to-applicants ratio of 10.6. Finally, 3,471 students were employed or went on further studies with an initial employment rate of 92.41%. The employment indicators were much better than the average employment rate in the autonomous region. With outstanding achievements in “stable employment”, LVTC was awarded the honorary title of “Outstanding School for Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates in Guangxi in 2020” by the Education Department of Guangxi, and became the only national model of higher vocational college in Guangxi that won this title for 20 consecutive years.

Good news 2: The honorary title of “Outstanding School for Enrollment and Admission of Colleges and Universities in Guangxi in 2020”

Good news 3: “Online Best Regarded Vocational College in Guangxi” granted by China Education Online (, a well-known mainstream media in China

Good news 4: Luo Qiang of the Admissions and Employment Office was named “Outstanding Individual for Enrollment and Admission of Colleges and Universities in Guangxi in 2020”

In this year, keeping up with the enrollment schedule while adopting a series of polices on prevention and control of the virus, such as restrictions on the movement of people and inbound and outbound travelers, was a critical breakthrough point for LVTC to seek for. The Admissions and Employment Office has formulated the Work Plan of Enrollment and Publicity in Response to Prevention and Control of Covid-19. Driven by online publicity and enrollment, as well as making use of modern information technologies and taking advantages of online publicity, LVTC conducted a live-streaming activity “Online Travel to LVTC” to explore enrollment and publicity of LVTC, becoming the first college in Guangxi to hold a live-streaming activity on enrollment. In the meanwhile, LVTC opened an online “24-hour e-Q&A”, and organized students to learn about LVTC’s characteristics, enrollment policies, application methods and other information online, so as to ensure that candidates who were interested in studying in LVTC could obtain relevant application information timely and accurately. As virus control was conducted on an ongoing basis in the second half of the year, LVTC also resumed offline publicity, adopted measures such as “brand” public service and “intelligent” new engine, and deeply integrated online and offline strategies to guide candidates to apply for LVTC scientifically, setting a new record both in the enrollment rate and the registration rate of freshmen, and helping the number of students to increase from 13,000 to more than 15,000. The whole enrollment was implemented smoothly while epidemic prevention and control measures were taken, so as to safeguard the health of teachers and students to the maximum extent, minimize the risk of infection, and successfully complete the enrollment task in the safest and most stable way.

Good news 5: Standing Member of Alumni Research Branch of Guangxi Higher Education Association (the only higher vocational college in Guangxi)

In this year, alumni work was practiced in pursuit of LVTC culture of “promoting craftsmanship to foster craftsmen”. LVTC actively explored and practiced, and built a  alumni work organization management system featuring “three-level management and one platform”, making a joint effort with alumni to enhance cohesion and pursue mutual benefit and win-win, and integrating alumni work into enrollment, student training, innovation and entrepreneurship to serve alumni wholeheartedly. In 2020, LVTC established a new alumni service center to constantly learn growth experiences and experience stories of outstanding alumni, compiled a book of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College Alumni (2020 Edition) and made an alumni work video, setting an example for students and stimulating their learning morale. LVTC also successfully hosted the 8th Seminar on Innovation and Development of Alumni Work in Colleges and Universities in Guangxi, and was selected as the Standing Member of Alumni Research Branch of Guangxi Higher Education Association (the only higher vocational college in Guangxi). By adopting LVTC’s excellent performance management mode, LVTC continuously improved the service quality and management level. According to MYCOS’s survey report, LVTC’s alumni service received satisfaction of 90%, and was praised and recognized by the majority of alumni.

Good news 6: The project “Workmanship in Enrollment and Employment Makes You Steadily Go Ahead” led by the Admissions and Employment Office won the Workmanship Service Award of LVTC Quality Development Award 2020.

The year 2020 saw LVTC’s initiative to select excellent students for LVTC and serve graduates and alumni wholeheartedly, as well as bear the weight of stable enrollment and employment on its shoulders when LVTC put forward enrollment and employment. Under the leadership of CPC committee leaders of LVTC and the support of faculty and staff in the whole college, LVTC worked together to overcome difficulties, dare to try and innovate, and be down to earth, practical and rigorous. LVTC constantly innovated its working approaches and made great achievements in the quality of students, employment, alumni satisfaction, providing a strong support for promoting the development of various undertakings of LVTC, and making due efforts and contributions to enhance its strength in school-running and sustainable development of LVTC.